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The legacies of logging, mining, and agriculture have left Pacific Northwest rivers deficient in wood. Wood is an extremely dynamic and important element in rivers - they create a mosaic of hydraulic complexity - slow, fast, deep, and shallow water at both small and large spatial scales. This creates an amazingly rich and complex tapestry of habitats for aquatic species to thrive in. In the summer of 2015, the Lummi Indian Nation completed an ambitious large-scale restoration project on the South Fork Nooksack River to continue to improve habitat conditions and function for endangered salmonids in an important salmon-bearing river. Over twenty large engineered logjams were constructed to mimic natural wood accumulations and associated beneficial hydraulic and habitat effects. This is what restoration often looks like in the Nooksack basin          

From Above
Triple Duty
View from the Bridge
Log Loader
Placing logs
Nearing completion
Up Close
Type 1
The View From Above
Steady Hands
Head of the Island
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